Gn-Home School
A Program for Families Choosing Adventure over Anxiety this School Year
“It’s my mission to keep the light in your eyes” -Alanis Morissette
This time at home gave us the opportunity to look at things with a different set of eyes. It gave me the chance to ask what does real learning look like. (Like any day we got through the day in the chair in front of the computer was an A plus day in my eyes.).
Core values are what a student is expected to know or be able to do.
I realized that for me, I want my students( and my kid) to love learning. To show up with questions. To wonder. To be curious. I want them to be the kids who always want the character in the story to open the creepy door to see what’s behind it. I want him to create things. To solve problems with ideas. And inventions. I want him to care about the world and people and animals. Even those different than him. Especially those different than him.
And not just to care.
But to contribute to those causes he cares about.
And most of all, I want him/them/you to feel connected. To your kids, your families, your neighbors, strangers. And most of all yourself. To embrace the amazing diversity that makes life both challenging and beautiful.
That is what Gn-home School is all about. We would love you to join us.
Adventures are the best way to assure real learning. When something is truly learned, we don’t forget. We don’t forget how to plant a garden, cook spaghetti or change a tire because as we do those things, they become a part of who we are. Stuffing information into someone’s head can be remembered for a while, but it’s not learning. It’s memorizing. There is a difference. Adventures turn learning into something much more.
If you are interested in weekly adventures, cultivating curiosity and a lifelong love of learning as part of your homeschool adventures;
I want to invite you to Gn-home School. Our club is designed for families who want to create some magic.
what's included?
Lessons created and supported by a lifelong educator
our best selling Family Adventure and Creativity Kit which has won Creative Toy of the year as well as Parents Choice Award
a monthly one on one phone call/meeting to discuss progress and challenges.
daily adventures
ideas for turning those adventures into teachable moments
virtual field trips
milestone activities that turn large goals into bite size pieces that can be done a little at a time
workshops with teachers, tutors, mind masters, artists.....
a community of like minded parents and kids who have decided to become makers, explorers and doers of good.
Our Price? $199/month!
Every family is in the middle of this crazy school year. There are a lot of unknowns. But also there is so much beauty, love and magic. We get to be the authors of our child’s experience this school year. We want it to be affordable for every family who wants to join us in this adventure. I don’t want the cost to play any part of the decision to play along. It’s our heart‘s call.
Who am I?
An educator with 24 years of public education experience under my belt
mom of a 9 year old son
creator of award winning My Gnome on the Roam Adventure and Creativity toys and tools for busy families
author of best selling children’s books
dreamer of adventures with 20 years worth of magazine articles and Pinterest pins ready to share and an obsession for making things magical and inexpensive
This program has been recommended by Dr Shefali Tsabery, Oprah’s parenting expert as well as Dan Heath NY Times best selling author of “The Power of Moments”.
Meet Anne Armstrong
frequently asked questions
How long is Gnome School?
Gnome School will last from September-the end of May
Can I cancel?
You have 14 days to cancel and receive a full refund
Why is it so inexpensive? (This is my most frequently asked question)
I want this program to be a available to every family who feels the desire to “keep the light in the eyes” of their kids. In this crazy time, it’s so important to me to make this available to any family who wants to join.