December 9 | Twinkle, Twinkle

Did you build a fort fit for royalty? I hope so…

Today we’re lighting things up with a luminary by wrapping a glass jar with heavy duty aluminum foil cut to fit. Lay the foil on Styrofoam and poke with a toothpick or pen to create the design.

Pop a tealight in the center and watch it glow.. to be super safe, you can use LED tealights.

We’re love seeing what wonderful designs you can come up with – please share them over on our Facebook page or on Instagram. It really makes our day.

Hey, are you excited to receive a letter back from your penpal or family member yet?

It’s great to connect – I wonder if there are some other family members you could contact… can you count how many there are in your family?

Tomorrow’s ADVENTure will help you work it out… stay tuned..

Twinkle, twinkle,



December 10 | Branch Out


December 8 | Warm Winter Fort