December 20 | Holiday Light Adventure
Hi future Picassos,
Well we have laughed all day at the funny and creative artwork you made yesterday – and the surprising ideas you had for their hiding places!
In fact, we’ve laughed so much, it’s tired us out… it’s time to get our pajama’s on…
Hang on.. no… not going to sleep yet.. we’re still too excited.. so let’s go for a pajama ride – With everyone in pjs, fill thermoses with hot chocolate, pile into the car and listen to holiday music as you cruise your neighborhood looking at holiday lights. Remember to take heaps of pictures of your favorites and post them on our Facebook page or on Instagram.
And if you still have some of those wonderful creations from yesterday, here’s the perfect opportunity to take even more funny pics of you in your pjs hiding them..
It’s great to drink hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night… hang on… we’re starting to get hungry again.. what goes nice with hot chocolate…. hmmmm??
Over the river and through the woods,