In the Beginning…

I am amazed at the energy and excitement that comes at the beginning of things….a new school year, the first day of vacation, a marriage, a new baby.  What makes that precious time so exhilarating?  and maybe more importantly, how can we sustain it?

Here we are, at the very beginning of creating My Gnome on the Roam.  The story is written, the illustrations are underway.  The artisans are hard at work and the ideas….well….we have notebooks full of them.   We are so excited you are here with us….at the very beginning….

We will be launching our crowd-funding project through in August 2014.  Crowd funding is an innovative way of building both initial capital and community support for new businesses.  Friends, family members and other interested people are invited to invest a sum ($1-$hundreds of dollars) in exchange for great perks.  We will let you know soon what our perks will be and how you can participate in our crowd-funding project.

We invite you to become part of the beginning….to help make our dream a beautiful reality.  We will keep you updated about opportunities to join us in our mission to change the world one happy memory at a time.  You can be among the very first to own your own My Gnome on the Roam kit and the first to help create and foster our international community. (Be sure to sign up for our email list, as details will arrive to your inbox through our newsletter).

But more importantly, you can be the first to make an investment in your own family…because the truth is, all the excitement that comes at the beginning is always available to us….we simply have to remember, to be creative, to be willing to explore, to make things new, to step outside our familiar routines and simply look….for opportunities, for experiences to savor.  Our hands are outstretched…..will you join us?   

Anne Armstrong