The Secret Gift of Supply Chain Problems


When I started college, I began with the dream of becoming a journalist. It didn’t take long before I switched my major to education, and the rest is history. These days, it is sometimes a challenge to read the news. I scroll the headlines every morning, but I have put myself on a “need to know” regimen the last couple of years.

Lately, there has been a lot of articles about the backlog of cargo ships and about how that will create supply chain challenges for the upcoming holidays. We have some new products on one of those ships. They will not arrive in time for the holidays, but there is a quiet gift in the supply chain problems.

I remember the simple beauty of small Christmas lists and letters to Santa that included just one wish. Over the years, my list and my letters to Santa got longer. The older I got, the longer my list. Somehow, the delight I felt on Christmas morning did not grow at the same level.

Supply chain challenges will mean less stuff to buy, earlier shopping, and, for some, more holiday stress. However, there is another option. If you have spent much time with My Gnome on the Roam, you know we are a group who value experiences over stuff. My best memories and best gifts all came in the form of tickets, trips and experiences of one kind or another. Summer camps. Art lessons. A James Taylor concert. (Yes, I know, I am ancient) lol.

Studies show that experiences make us happier than material things. Unlike stuff, experiences introduce you to new perspectives, life lessons and the importance of gratitude. Experiences are more memorable than stuff. They become a part of who we are. And when we share experiences, they also become a part of who we are together. Sharing experiences is so unique that there is not the keeping up with the Jones’ that sometimes happens with stuff.

With less stuff on the shelves of your favorite stores, there is an invitation to think about sharing experiences with the people you love, instead of the usual gifts.

My Gnome on the Roam is a perfect accompaniment to the experiences you share. Our Adventure and Creativity Kit gives you the tools to turn any experience into a memory you can visit anytime. And it doesn’t need to be put together, stored or charged.

We invite you to share experiences with the people you love. And so you can remember those experiences with our products, we’re sharing a 20% discount using code: HOLIDAYS2021 starting on Halloween all the way through Thanksgiving.

Adventures are the best gifts.

To holiday adventure,
Team Gnome

Jamie Clampet