A Pandemic Gradution

Pandemic Graduation Blog MGOTR.png

May brings out the Kleenex every year for this long time teacher. This year, my own kiddo is in 4th grade so he is graduating from elementary school and a lifetime of being surrounded by friends, teachers and other adults who love him like their own. (Cue more Kleenex).

But this year in particular is one we all get to celebrate. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. Sticking our toe into what will be known to us as “the after”. And no matter your grade, your age, or if you come wearing a 3 piece suit or pajamas, YOU ARE GRADUATING!! You made it. Maybe loud and proud. Maybe crawling and with the very last of your wits and patience. You arrived at the other side.

Few of us are arriving unchanged. We got a look at what is really important. At what we can’t or don’t want to live without. (Toilet paper anyone?). Some of us made grand plans. Maybe some of them were completed. Maybe none of them were. But I am here to tell you that if you are reading this, you are valedictorian. You fed your kids, your pets, yourself. (Yes jelly beans and grilled cheese counts). You got dressed occasionally. You continued breathing and hoping and wishing and dreaming.

And now, we face a new challenge...”the after”. We get to decide what we’re bringing with us. What are the parts of your life you are excited to resume. What parts are better left behind. And what are the new pieces you want to begin? This isn’t a challenge we have to take. It is one we GET to take. And you are here for it.

So allow us to celebrate with you. Click here to complete your pandemic graduation diploma.

“You are smart. You are kind. You are important.” - The Help “There is nobody else quite like you.”-Mr Rogers
“You Gnome you are one in a million”-My Gnome on the Roam

If you want to be sure to remember this time, and leave a record for those who come after, we’re happy to share our Living History journal. These memories and stories will make actual history. Click here to download your copy.

Anne Armstrong