It's Time for a Penpal Challenge

Summer is a time for magic. It has a flavor all its own, especially when you’re a kid. You wake up with the entire day ahead of you, sometimes, with nothing on the agenda. Some kids, nowadays, fill that time with gaming. I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with gaming. I think (I don’t game so this information is secondhand-compliments of my son), games are a way to explore. It’s a cool way to set a short term goal and the joy of achieving it and continuing to set more goals! It also gives users an opportunity to connect with friends (and even strangers) in a fun way. Of course, safety should be considered. I’ll share a link at the end of this article from someone who knows more about safety than I do.

But it’s also magic in other ways. Summer provides a cool opportunity to meet new friends. Vacation friends (people you meet and connect with while you’re on vacation). Camp friends (magic sparks that happen when strangers show up specifically with the goal of doing cool stuff and meeting cool people). Nomad friends (a cool group of people who travel with a purpose-the neighbor of your grandparents, the kid up the street who comes to visit his dad for the summer.)

These connections are what summer magic is made of. With that in mind, we are excited to offer a free PenPal challenge. It’s the perfect way to keep the magic going all year. A fun, creative and nearly free way to stay connected and learn more about friends and family. You can learn all about it right here.

Ps. Here is the link to an article about staying safe while gaming.

Jamie Clampet